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Human Bean Writing Co.

My Story, Our Mission


Since your here, I suppose you want to know a little more about me. Without getting into boring detail; I guess can share my story with you. As a kid, my favorite thing to do was to doodle and sketch. My character sketches began to evolve as I took the time to add in backstories and cool sounding names. This practice grew into amateur comic books until the writing began to heavily outweigh the drawing. Short stories became a book and so on and so forth. Now, after a very long period of anxiety; I am ready to share some of the things I have been working on and I am eager for your feedback. I want to get better. Help make me my best by being honest with me. (seriously though, I am new to this whole sharing thing so take it easy in the beginning). I needed a way to safely share my projects and ideas and thus Human Bean Writing Co. was born.


HBWC  is more than just a name, and much more than a single person; especially now that I have your support. We've come this far together, so it's only right that you know exactly what the ultimate goal is. The dream is to be able to create literature and art in all of its forms, dedicated to those who will enjoy the creations. Unlike a large company, profit is not part of the mission; self-sufficiency is. The closer we get to self sustaining income, the closer we are to creating projects like Novel series, Web-comics, Animated series/films and eventually Video Games. With each project more elaborate than the last, I want to assure you that my first responsibility is to provide quality and consistent stories as I always have. Eventually I would like for us to grow together and produce truly amazing creations. 


What started as a dream is now a very near reality thanks to all of you. 


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